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Connecticut Assigned Counsel Program
Runsala allows your office to integrate into the Connecticut Assigned Counsel Program and receive notifications of overflow cases, accept or decline cases, access and submit all relevant forms and upload time entries.
Connecticut Assigned Counsel Program Software allows you to work smarter
Recieve realtime notifications of overflow cases with all the supporting materials to effectively assess whether you want to accept a case or decline a case.
Runsala will automate both case acceptance, form submission and time entries directly into the Connecticut Public Defenders’s LIMS system. In addition, Runsala can automate the overall case management operations of your law office automating billing, client inquiries, and appointment reminders to run a more efficient law practice.
Connecticut Judicial Branch integration that works for you
Eliminate unnecessary, unorganized paperwork. Have everything at your fingertips.
- Print Connecticut Judicial branch forms and letters
- Direct import of assignments
- One-click approval of case
- Automated time entries

Print merge of 20+ Connecticut Judicial branch forms and letters.

Case Assignment
Direct import of Assigned Counsel assignments with one-click approval or decline of case.

Time management
Automated upload of time entries.

Coming soon: Vendor and expense integration with Connecticut Assigned Counsel’s office.
“Thanks to Runsala we’ve consistently grown the firm while simultaneously limiting our administrative resources.”
James Ruane
Ruane Attorneys
“We are happy that Runsala will allow affiliated attorneys to integrate their information seamlessly. Runsala will eliminate steps in the process and increase your firm’s administrative efficiency.”
John Day
Director of Assigned Counsel
Connecticut Public Defenders Office